In my last post I alluded to flood legends from around the world. Check out this paper that documents these stories! Very hard to explain how these stories could be so prevalent without a recent global flood!
Tags: Noah flood Genesis ark Ararat creationist Christian Bible anthropology origins debate
The scientific community, society and even many churches have accepted that the earth is billions of years old and evolution by natural selection and chance have brought about the world that we know today. Where is the evidence for this conclusion? What does the Bible actually say? Let's start a respectful conversation.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Friday, January 24, 2014
The Great Flood
The Genesis flood account is a very interesting and controversial subject even among Bible-believing Christians. The story itself fascinates people; having been passed down through the generations in hundreds of cultures from every continent on the planet. The event is sacred and recent enough to have the primary components preserved in many of these legends.
Where is the source of the controversy?
Many Christians will tell you the controversy comes from the Genesis account itself. They will claim that the text is allegory, or that mankind was all gathered into one area and the flood destroyed them, but not the entire world. Do they get this idea from the scriptures? I do not see how they could.
I believe this is an important topic for Christians and I write about this in love, trying to encourage others in their faith in God and in His inerrant Word.
This is a very slippery slope as well. If we can twist a passage like the flood account and make it fit in with mainstream science, we can make other passages fit in with mainstream culture. We have all seen this happen with church leaders today. The Bible teaches us that wide is the road that leads to destruction, so we should not be bothered if majorities oppose what the Bible teaches. I would also like to add that there is very strong evidence of a global flood, so we can also have added confidence in the truth of this passage.
There are some concepts contained in the first chapters of Genesis that are very essential to the understanding of the rest of the Bible. These topics include death (man and animals), the fall (man's spiritual death), our separation from God due to sin, and God's judgment for sinful behavior. If we let these teachings crumble, how can we expect others to find God's Word to be credible? These are very important topics contained in the first chapters of the first book; we should be confident in them.
We should also find hope in Genesis. If God created the living creatures by means of death, disease and survival of the fittest (aka evolution)--and called it "very good"-- why should we be hopeful for this heaven he has planned for us?
Check it out for yourself and judge whether this passage is about a global flood, or a localized flood with Noah saving his farm animals or maybe some of the local critters. I have italicized words with global implications (and added notes inside parenthesis) since that is my view and this is my blog. ;-)
Ok, fine, I will likewise underline the words with localized implications.
5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth
the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and
the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made
them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
9 This is the account of Noah and his family.
22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him.
6 Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on the earth. 7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood. 8 Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, 9 male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah. 10 And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.
13 On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. 14 They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with wings. 15 Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the ark. 16 The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord shut him in.
17 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. 18 The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. 19 They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. 20 The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits. (impossible to have been local, there would have been spillage and the water could never have risen 15 cubits over the mountains containing them) 21 Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. 22 Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. 23 Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.
24 The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.
Chapter 8 begins by explaining that the flood waters remained on the earth for just over a year before Noah came out.
17 Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it.”
18 So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives. 19 All
the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground and all
the birds—everything that moves on land—came out of the ark, one kind
after another.
20 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. 21 The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though[a] every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done (if this was a local flood, this has obviously happened since then) .
Chapter 8 wraps up with Noah sacrificing and 9 begins with God telling Noah's sons to multiply and fill the earth. It also speaks of God establishing a new order: man can eat meat, animals have the dread of man, and for anyone who takes a man's life, his life will be demanded. This seems pretty drastic for a post-local flood debrief.
8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”
Let's think about this logically:
-God gave Noah 120 years notice before sending the flood waters. That is obviously plenty of time to relocate, including the animals, to a safe place (if the flood we local).
-Genesis says that ALL living creatures (not on the ark) died, but if it were local, don't you think just one bird might have flown over a ridge and survived? This would make vs 21-23 in chapter 7 false.
-The boat was massive. Containing three decks with roughly the square footage of a football field each, there was a lot of space; almost 600 railroad cars worth of cargo space. At the time of this passage's writing, it is very doubtful that the author could have even close to an idea of the number of animals that would need to go on the ark. Yet the amount of space is sufficient for the known animal kingdom. There have been some very good studies done to see how feasible it would be to fit the animals on, as well as the logistical challenges Noah and his family would have encountered.
-The boat was very sea-worthy. The ark's length to width ratio is seen in many modern cargo vessels (even the battleship Oregon) because of the outstanding performance it provides in open seas. This massive boat was thousands of years ahead of it's time, which makes sense when we consider that Genesis says God gave him the dimensions.
-Jesus seemed to believe it was global. He used the flood as an example of how the end of the world will be: swift, surprising (to those not seeking the Lord), and global. Matthew 24:37-39.
-Peter said in the last days people would scoff at and deliberately forget the second coming, the fact that God created everything, and the flood that destroyed the ancient world.
-If this were a local flood, every time we see the rainbow in the sky, wouldn't we be reminded of the fact that God has broken his covenant throughout the ages?
God's word is good. It can be trusted. I can see how some people could have a hard time believing this as a true story. But I don't see how Bible-believing Christians don't believe it. The story is incredible! But isn't the rest of the book incredible as well? If we can explain away this account as a local flood, we can explain away the rest of the Bible if need be. If we truly believe that God's word is true, why would we let fallible men who don't believe in God, sway our trust in it? Christians seem to believe that scientists have proven that the flood never happened and that all of this was impossible. I have researched this subject a lot and I've come to find that the global flood explains a lot (almost everything) geologically. I have found the actual scientific support of the Genesis global flood to be much more persuading than anything secular scientists have offered for evolution or long ages. The actual evidence is another topic that I hope to cover soon.
For those who believe that the flood account is allegory, based off the Hebrew and the writing style, would you still maintain that view if there were overwhelming scientific consensus in support of a global flood? How convinced by the actual text itself are you? Are you trying to make God's perfect word fit in with fallible man's "facts"? I am equally convinced by the Bible and science that the flood was global. I plan to provide you with good scientific and geological evidence to support what the Bible says, sometime in the near future.
Thanks for reading, and God bless.
Related Posts:
5 Evidences of Noah's Flood -- #5: Geologic Evidence
5 Evidences of Noah's Flood--Evidence #4: Bent Rock Layers and Polystrate Fossils
Flood Legends From Around the World
(1) It has been calculated that a little more than half (54.75%) of the 2,773,925 cubic feet could store 125,000 sheep-sized animals, leaving over 1.5 million cubic feet of free space for food, water and other supplies. (see -
Read more:
This article is meant for educational purposes.
Where is the source of the controversy?
Many Christians will tell you the controversy comes from the Genesis account itself. They will claim that the text is allegory, or that mankind was all gathered into one area and the flood destroyed them, but not the entire world. Do they get this idea from the scriptures? I do not see how they could.
I believe this is an important topic for Christians and I write about this in love, trying to encourage others in their faith in God and in His inerrant Word.
Why is this Important?
This issue is an important one for Christians. When defending our faith and giving the reason for why we believe, it is not a strong witness to those who do not find the Bible credible to take a controversial story like this and obviously try to "cover for it". Most Christians are tolerant of other Christians who don't believe in the flood or creation story, so long as they do believe the core doctrines (as we should be). However, those on the outside who are familiar with the Bible lose patience with these believers because they can practically make the Bible say anything, rendering any logical, theological debate fruitless.This is a very slippery slope as well. If we can twist a passage like the flood account and make it fit in with mainstream science, we can make other passages fit in with mainstream culture. We have all seen this happen with church leaders today. The Bible teaches us that wide is the road that leads to destruction, so we should not be bothered if majorities oppose what the Bible teaches. I would also like to add that there is very strong evidence of a global flood, so we can also have added confidence in the truth of this passage.
There are some concepts contained in the first chapters of Genesis that are very essential to the understanding of the rest of the Bible. These topics include death (man and animals), the fall (man's spiritual death), our separation from God due to sin, and God's judgment for sinful behavior. If we let these teachings crumble, how can we expect others to find God's Word to be credible? These are very important topics contained in the first chapters of the first book; we should be confident in them.
We should also find hope in Genesis. If God created the living creatures by means of death, disease and survival of the fittest (aka evolution)--and called it "very good"-- why should we be hopeful for this heaven he has planned for us?
The Flood
What does the Bible say about the flood? For a minute, let's let go of all the scientific evidence and just look at what the Bible actually says. In my experience, the Christians that don't believe in a literal world-wide flood have not read or thought much about the Genesis flood account.![]() |
A local flood covering the highest mountains by 20 feet would be more difficult than a global flood covering them by 20 feet. © 2013 Answers in Genesis ( |
Check it out for yourself and judge whether this passage is about a global flood, or a localized flood with Noah saving his farm animals or maybe some of the local critters. I have italicized words with global implications (and added notes inside parenthesis) since that is my view and this is my blog. ;-)
Ok, fine, I will likewise underline the words with localized implications.
Genesis 6
New International Version (NIV)
9 This is the account of Noah and his family.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So
God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the
earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to
destroy both them and the earth. 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress[c] wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. 15 This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.[d] (A massive boat! with space for over 100,000 sheep-sized animals and their food (1)) 16 Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof an opening one cubit[e] high all around.[f] Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks. 17 I am going to bring floodwaters
on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that
has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish. 18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you. 19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. 21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.”22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him.
Ch 7 The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. (a lot of birds for a localized flood that they could have easily escaped) 4 Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”
5 And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.6 Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on the earth. 7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood. 8 Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, 9 male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah. 10 And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.
13 On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. 14 They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with wings. 15 Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the ark. 16 The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord shut him in.
17 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. 18 The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. 19 They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. 20 The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits. (impossible to have been local, there would have been spillage and the water could never have risen 15 cubits over the mountains containing them) 21 Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. 22 Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. 23 Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.
24 The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.
Chapter 8 begins by explaining that the flood waters remained on the earth for just over a year before Noah came out.
17 Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it.”
20 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. 21 The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though[a] every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done (if this was a local flood, this has obviously happened since then) .
Chapter 8 wraps up with Noah sacrificing and 9 begins with God telling Noah's sons to multiply and fill the earth. It also speaks of God establishing a new order: man can eat meat, animals have the dread of man, and for anyone who takes a man's life, his life will be demanded. This seems pretty drastic for a post-local flood debrief.
8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”
Let's think about this logically:
-God gave Noah 120 years notice before sending the flood waters. That is obviously plenty of time to relocate, including the animals, to a safe place (if the flood we local).
-Genesis says that ALL living creatures (not on the ark) died, but if it were local, don't you think just one bird might have flown over a ridge and survived? This would make vs 21-23 in chapter 7 false.
-The boat was massive. Containing three decks with roughly the square footage of a football field each, there was a lot of space; almost 600 railroad cars worth of cargo space. At the time of this passage's writing, it is very doubtful that the author could have even close to an idea of the number of animals that would need to go on the ark. Yet the amount of space is sufficient for the known animal kingdom. There have been some very good studies done to see how feasible it would be to fit the animals on, as well as the logistical challenges Noah and his family would have encountered.
-The boat was very sea-worthy. The ark's length to width ratio is seen in many modern cargo vessels (even the battleship Oregon) because of the outstanding performance it provides in open seas. This massive boat was thousands of years ahead of it's time, which makes sense when we consider that Genesis says God gave him the dimensions.
-Jesus seemed to believe it was global. He used the flood as an example of how the end of the world will be: swift, surprising (to those not seeking the Lord), and global. Matthew 24:37-39.
-Peter said in the last days people would scoff at and deliberately forget the second coming, the fact that God created everything, and the flood that destroyed the ancient world.
-If this were a local flood, every time we see the rainbow in the sky, wouldn't we be reminded of the fact that God has broken his covenant throughout the ages?
God's word is good. It can be trusted. I can see how some people could have a hard time believing this as a true story. But I don't see how Bible-believing Christians don't believe it. The story is incredible! But isn't the rest of the book incredible as well? If we can explain away this account as a local flood, we can explain away the rest of the Bible if need be. If we truly believe that God's word is true, why would we let fallible men who don't believe in God, sway our trust in it? Christians seem to believe that scientists have proven that the flood never happened and that all of this was impossible. I have researched this subject a lot and I've come to find that the global flood explains a lot (almost everything) geologically. I have found the actual scientific support of the Genesis global flood to be much more persuading than anything secular scientists have offered for evolution or long ages. The actual evidence is another topic that I hope to cover soon.
For those who believe that the flood account is allegory, based off the Hebrew and the writing style, would you still maintain that view if there were overwhelming scientific consensus in support of a global flood? How convinced by the actual text itself are you? Are you trying to make God's perfect word fit in with fallible man's "facts"? I am equally convinced by the Bible and science that the flood was global. I plan to provide you with good scientific and geological evidence to support what the Bible says, sometime in the near future.
Thanks for reading, and God bless.
Related Posts:
5 Evidences of Noah's Flood -- #5: Geologic Evidence
5 Evidences of Noah's Flood--Evidence #4: Bent Rock Layers and Polystrate Fossils
Flood Legends From Around the World
(1) It has been calculated that a little more than half (54.75%) of the 2,773,925 cubic feet could store 125,000 sheep-sized animals, leaving over 1.5 million cubic feet of free space for food, water and other supplies. (see -
Read more:
This article is meant for educational purposes.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Dinosaurs of a Feather
At first glance, "feathered dinosaurs" can seem like a major piece of evidence supporting evolution. They are claimed as fact and if they are fact, they have major implications in the origins debate. What are the facts surrounding this topic?
One of the vital leaps in the evolutionary theory is that from dinosaur to bird. Birds are very different from other creatures we see today, and currently the leading scenario being considered in evolution is that they descended from theropod dinosaurs. The reason for this belief is that birds and dinosaurs have somewhat similar body structures and some theropods are believed to have "protofeathers". These supposed feathers are organic artifacts found in fossil specimens that have been interpreted by scientists as the precursor to feathers. The vast majority, if not all of the supposed feathered dinosaur fossils come from the Lioaning region in China where volcanic sediment has helped preserve the fossils very well. However, the evidence shows that these are not feathers or even pre-feathers, but rather, exceptionally well preserved partially decomposed skin (or skin ridges in some cases). Plenty of feathers have been found fossilized on birds, but only "protofeathers", or "dino fuzz", are found on dinosaurs. In fact, these "protofeathers" are found on many different types of dinosaurs that are not even considered to be ancestral to birds. Not only this, but they are found on dinosaurs long after the evolutionary "arrival" of birds. Suppose these dinosaurs did have feathers, it would not prove that birds evolved from dinosaurs, since birds were already on the scene. Amusingly, even the T. rex is now thought by many to have been lightly feathered, thanks to these artifacts. So what do we make of these "feathers"? Even if dinosaurs suddenly evolved feathers would that signal their arrival to the avian ranks? What are the other differences? How does the creation/flood model interpret the bird and dinosaur fossil record?Feathers in Amber
Scientists have also found exceptionally well-preserved feathers in amber found in rock they date to the time of the dinosaurs. These feathers are not in any way attached to dinosaur remains, and they "bear striking resemblance to modern bird feathers"! Feathers stuck in tree sap from the time of the dinosaurs: logical evidence of birds and dinosaurs coexisting as the Bible suggests, not dinosaurs evolving into birds. When evolution is assumed to be true, it gets in the way of good science. The amber containing the feathers is still transparent. If it actually were as old as they say it is, it should have oxidized long ago and turned much darker. Also, consider Archeopteryx, a true bird, is dated (using evolutionary dating methods) to be roughly twice as old as these amber-trapped feathers. One can't claim this as evidence of dinosaur-to-bird evolution if you have already had birds for 70 million years. More on Acheopteryx later in this post.Problems for Dino-to-Bird Evolution:
There are many major leaps needed to go from dinosaur to bird, including:-The breast-bone-- The breast-bone is needed to attach the massive muscles required to power flight. This is nothing like our sternum, but more like the massive keel of a ship-- very deep and strong. Birds have this, dinosaurs did not.
The wishbone--without this bone, the muscles would crush and close off the birds respiratory system. Many birds, including Archeopteryx had one, while dinosaurs did not.
-The respiratory system itself-- We and other land dwelling creatures, including the dinosaurs, breath(ed) completely differently than birds do. While we fill and empty a sack with each breath, birds have vented lungs where the air flow is unidirectional and the gas exchange takes place within the lung wall in tubes. This and multiple breathing sacks enable them to sustain prolonged aerobic activity very efficiently. The change from one type of respiratory system to the other must be done all at once or else the creature will die, let alone survive because they are the most fit. More details on bird respiratory systems
- Bone structure-- Birds have hallow bones that are needed for flight, and while some dinosaurs seem to have had some hollow bones, they appear to be present for different reasons. For example, many of the long-necked dinos had hollow neck bones to lessen the weight of their necks. This is good design and the only possible way to allow for such a long, tall structure. Some smaller dinosaurs may have had hollow bones to allow them to move faster, but they also had heavy tails that would have made flight impossible. One key trait of bird bones is that these hollow bones are actually connected to the respiratory system which enables the bird to use air to regulate body temperature through the bones.
- Bird flight feathers-- These are extremely strong for their weight, making them ideal for flight. As anyone knows who has examined a feather, the barbs interlock, like velcro, enabling them to propel and maintain flight. This is a far cry from a scale, which is basically a tough fold of skin that serves to protect the creature. The two don't even originate from the same dermal layer.
- Different digits-- Bird wings and feet have digits 2-3-4, while theropods had digits 1-2-3.
- Ability to fly-- Darwinists do not believe that birds evolved from pterosaurs (such as Pterodactyl) , so they also need to account for the bird's ability to fly. Developing wings would begin as arms and eventually get longer, stronger and more feathered. The in order for natural selection to be effective, the evolving creature must have an advantage over other animals at every point in evolution. This includes the millions of years before the wings could actually support flying or even gliding. It is hard to image a scenario where having feathers would give a dinosaur an advantage over others.
- Wulst-- A key component for flight is the extra brain function needed to control flight. In proportion to their body, birds have a large cranial cavity to provide room for the large frontal lobe (called the wulst) needed for flight control. An interesting article in Live Science claims that the wulst evolved in dinosaurs before the first bird came to be. The example they use is Archeopteryx, a supposed half dinosaur, half bird with a fully developed wulst. Again, more on Archy later in the post.
- Hips-- Theropods are a part of the Order Saurischian which are considered to be "lizard-hipped", while Order Ornithischian dinosaurs are "bird-hipped". Since evolutionists believe that birds descended from the lizard-hipped dinos, they also need to account for birds developing a completely different hip structure. I've heard it said that the "bird hip" gene came from a mutual ancestor of Saurischian and Ornithischian and was merely "switched off" in the Saurischians and was turned back on almost literally overnight when the bird arose. First of all, there is no evidence for such an occurrence. Secondly, if things like this were plausible, why wouldn't scientists excitedly check every newly hatched chicken for scales? You never know what old dino gene might suddenly switch back on! All jest aside, this is an assumption that is not based upon the fossil record, but one that is necessitated by the theory. This is backward science.
- Muscle proportions-- If you were told that you had T. rex arms, you would likely be offended since it was obviously meant that you have a scrawny upper body. I enjoy bird hunting, and when I actually succeed, commonly the only significant portion of meat is the breast (which are massive muscles providing power to the wings for flight). This is true with birds with limited flight capability such as chickens and pheasants as well as very capable flyers such as doves and pigeons. The leap from having all power in the lower body (as these dinosaurs had) to all power in the upper body is very hard to explain during the millions of years prior to achieving flight. Without the required power for flight, even if the dino suddenly sprouted feathers, it would be of no use. Everything must come together at once in order for there to be an advantage over other species.
Interestingly, there have been many controversial and fraudulent "feathered dinosaur" fossils "found" in China. Check out this link for more details.
Archeopteryx fossils, supposedly 150 million years old, are found in southern Germany, with a total of 8 being found plus a fully developed feather. If the Archeopteryx were seen alive today, it would undoubtedly be classified as a bird. It was completely feathered, fully capable of flight, had claws on it's wings like the ostrich today, had hollow bones, a breast bone and a wishbone. Unlike birds we see alive today it also had teeth, which isn't a problem for classifying it as a bird. We classify the platypus as a mammal even though it doesn't have mammary glands, it lays eggs and has a bill. The only reason Archeopteryx is classified as a dinosaur is that it was found in the Jurassic rock layer and birds were not supposed to have evolved yet. However, there are clear fossil tracks of wading birds in Carboniferous rocks (supposedly twice as old as Archeopteryx) that suggest, using evolutionary time scale, birds actually predated all dinosaurs. These tracks are of course controversial, not because of the actual specimens, but because it contradicts the evolutionary assumptions. There is other evidence of birds "predating" dinosaurs, such as Protoavis (first bird) which supposedly predates Archeopteryx by 75 million years.Sidebar:
For over a decade it was believed that a bird-like dinosaur had left tracks all over a Triassic (pre-Jurassic) sand bed. After catching flak for a decade, the authors of the original paper published in "Nature", retracted their paper explaining that further radiometric testing showed that the sand bed was actually Eocene. The "bird-like" dinosaur tracks immediately became bird tracks.
These "bird-like dinosaur tracks in Triassic
rock" became "bird tracks in Eocene" overnight (1)
This shows that the tracks themselves were not used to identify the track maker, but rather, evolutionary assumptions were used. This is not good science. I do applaud the scientists for publishing their original paper, since it certainly took courage to challenge the status quo.
The act of flight is a very remarkable feat. It took man (a very intelligent designer) thousands of years to figure it out. We expend a lot of time and energy to develop, design, build, maintain and learn to fly an aircraft. We see an aircraft and we know it was designed. Why don't we see a bird (of whose design we copy for our own use) and know that it too was designed?![]() |
Beautifully designed B-2 Spirit, aka the Stealth Bomber shown
with a hawk (which had no designer, of course) (2)
Not only can a bird do all this, but it can also reproduce and make more birds! You say "well aircraft are mechanical creations while birds are biological. That's how we can explain birds arriving without a designer." Living creatures are composed of very complex mechanical parts working in unison, from an individual cell up to the wings themselves. The complexity of a living bird is staggering when all mechanical components are considered. Man cannot even fully comprehend these components, much less make creations out of them. Why should we think a bird has no designer when our own creations scream to us that there was a designer?
Flood Model
If birds and dinosaurs lived together, why don't we see tons of bird fossils intermixed with the dinosaurs? If they all lived together, we should see all fossils in all layers, right? Rather than piecing the evidence together using the evolutionary model of deep time, let's examine the evidence and see how it fits with the biblical creation and flood model. Genesis says that birds and land animals (including dinosaurs) were created within one day of each other. They coexisted. They likely have lived in the same habitats alongside one another until the flood began. This is a better explanation of why bird feathers are found trapped in amber in a dinosaur-filled habitat. We also see bird tracks in these layers (and supposedly much older layers). We see dinosaurs that have just eaten birds (3). We see a bird, in Archeopteryx, that is not expected to be a strong flyer (much like a pheasant). But we don't see many actual bird fossils mixed with dinosaur fossils. It is thought that much of the initial flooding would have been from massive tidal waves as the moon caused the swelling seas to race across land (forming many layers). Creatures would be sorted by body weight, mobility and intelligence. With the ability to fly (or even swim in some cases), even in heavy rain, birds would be able to escape in-coming waters much better than dinosaurs or mammals. Even if they couldn't all fly longer distances to higher ground in the rain, they could get onto floating debris and survive the initial days or weeks of the flood. And suppose some birds were caught up in the same waters as the dinosaurs, their low body density would keep them afloat longer. This might result in reduced numbers of fossilized birds and the ones that did fossilize would be buried higher than the heavier dinosaurs. Heavier birds like Archeopteryx that weren't as mobile or light would be buried with the other land animals. Based off of this model, I predict that other birds such as pheasants will some day be discovered with dinosaurs.This topic along with many others, is a very good example of how, depending on your model, very different conclusions can be drawn from the same evidence. However, when you begin to look at this issue as a whole: the major differences between birds and dinos, the birds that predate supposed protofeathers, and bird feathers in tree sap in dinosaur habitats, the evolutionary model crumbles while the biblical model still stands strong.
Thanks for reading!
(3) August, 2012 in the open-access on-line biology journal, PLOS: Biology, Lida Xing and colleagues wrote an article titled “Abdominal Contents from Two Large Cretaceous Compsognathids (Dinosauria: Theropoda) Demonstrate Feeding on Confuciusornithids and Dromaeosaurids” (2012)
August, 2012 in the open-access on-line biology journal, PLOS: Biology,
Lida Xing and colleagues wrote an article titled “Abdominal Contents
from Two Large Cretaceous Compsognathids (Dinosauria: Theropoda)
Demonstrate Feeding on Confuciusornithids and Dromaeosaurids” (2012)
Interesting article on feathered dinosaurs:
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