How did we arrive at this conviction
when the animal kingdom exists because of bullying?
when the animal kingdom exists because of bullying?
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Sad, but necessary in today's world (Source) |
Tragically, bullying is just as prevalent among people as it is among animals. Go to a playground, listen to kids on the street playing, read online forums or YouTube comments, go inside a high school sports locker room, go almost anywhere in any culture and you will see this behavior. This is a serious problem and almost everyone agrees that it is wrong.
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Clearly wrong |
Because we all know it is wrong.
Why is bullying wrong for humans but not for animals? It happens just as much in our culture as it does in the animal "cultures". Apparently it is just as natural to people as it is to animals. Kids don't need to learn how to bully, they have to be taught not to bully.
So how does an evolutionist explain why we have our personal convictions or our sense of morality?
How do we know bullying is absolutely wrong?
In my experience, evolutionists will often say that over the years our culture evolved this heightened sense of morality as a survival mechanism. The logic behind it being, "I will scratch your back, hoping you will scratch mine". Then, after millions of years of this behavior at work, we all began to develop morals.
So then who decides what is right or wrong? Perhaps you are convinced that harming others is wrong, but what if there existed a person who had no problem with bullying or abuse (not so far-fetched is it?). Would it be wrong for him to abuse weaker people? He is obviously just acting instinctively, just like any other animal. Perhaps he isn't evolved enough. Maybe he is actually more evolved than you. Nope, still not alright, is it?
OK, so maybe society as a whole needs to define right and wrong. So what if an entire culture or country had no problem with bullying or even murder? Would it be OK then? Of course not! Killing Jews was perfectly acceptable among Nazi circles in Germany prior to WWII's conclusion. That doesn't mean it was moral.
Humans are clearly not animals.
Can a lion murder another lion? No, that is called survival of the fittest.
Should a human even so much as verbally abuse another? No, that would clearly be wrong.
Bullying is often a major factor in teenage suicide and also sometimes leads to acts of violent retribution. This doesn't make bullying wrong, it happens because bullying is wrong. Should a human even so much as verbally abuse another? No, that would clearly be wrong.
God has given mankind an inherent ability to see right from wrong. We all are given a conscience, and we are meant to be different from the beasts. Although fallen and carnal, unlike animals we have capacity for compassion, love, loyalty, chivalry and conviction. These things can be tossed aside, but they clearly differentiate us from mere animals.
Our Creator instructs us:
Isaiah 1:17 (NIV)
17 Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.[a]
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
Defend the oppressed.[a]
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
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ReplyDeleteBefore I add my full comment, I would like to know what your personal position is on War. I look forward to your reply. Thank you
ReplyDeleteIf, as you claim that "Humans are clearly not animals." what kingdom life do we belong to: Fungi or Plants?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your reply! If your only bone to pick with this post is the scientific classification of humans, that is troublesome. The classification of species is man's attempt to categorize and describe physical traits of different animals. We obviously meet the mammal description, physically.
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with the bullying/morality issue. Why is bullying wrong for humans but not wolves?
I believe war is a necessary evil in this fallen world. The reality Is that some nations pose threats to the existence of other nations and people groups. This requires nations to step up and defend the defenseless or themselves. It is always wrong to invade another country to destroy them or to obtain resources for your own benefit
ReplyDeleteI note your edited reply. The original did not make any sense at all and frankly this version is not much better. I asked your opinion on war with good reason as I see acts of war as the ultimate in bullying, specifically by invading forces.I am wondering how in one breath you deem it as a necessary evil but in the next state it's ALWAYS wrong, when the OT shows multiple counts of where God sent "his" people to invade other nations, with the MO to destroy, kill and, pillage and keep the "spoils". It also should be noted that the ONLY animal to "bully", kill, et al in this manner, are humans.
DeleteWhat I am saying is that war, though evil and far from ideal, becomes necessary in order to preserve life. I believe it is wrong to initiate war to expand territory, obtain resources, or to annihilate a people group. I do believe it is morally acceptable to fight a war to prevent these things from happening. Do you see the difference now? I realize I did not initially communicate that very thoroughly.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with you on any of the above, but I wonder about the premise of this particular topic on your blog. How can you equate what other animals do within their own herd or group a "bullying", when it clearly isn't when you clearly justify, or believe bullying is morally acceptable in humans, when you have your disclaimer attached..which ironically NO human WAR has ever achieved your assumed "moral" ideal? If you believe otherwise, please cite examples to support. If anythng, you are putting condition on morality BY your disclaimer. I wonder if you have actually ever observed how things actually work in other species, especially other communal species, like we humans. I doubt it for you to make the claim that other species don't display compassion, love and loyalty et al. IMO if anything, we human could learn A LOT about love, compassion, loyalty from other species. It's just a shame so many humans allow their EGO to get in the way.
ReplyDeleteTracey, I'm not sure what you were trying to say about my premise or human wars. Could you clarify? And what is my disclaimer?
ReplyDeleteI do not observe many animals in person, but I've certainly seen my share of documentaries, etc. I will grant that animals can show loyalty, but as for love, I am not so sure. If they can love, it is certainly on an entirely different scale than human love.